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Ineffective Beliefs Performers Have and How to Change Them

Last time, in Five Silly Beliefs Performers Have, we discussed five silly or irrational beliefs that performers can have.   Well, there are more.  If these beliefs were just passing thoughts with little consequence, we wouldn’t have much to talk about, but they can have a huge effect on how you feel and definitely on how you perform. If you’re like many performers who experience … [Read more...]

Five Silly Beliefs Performers Have

Performers are no different than other people.  We believe silly, even irrational things sometime.  When we do, we are most likely thinking one or more of the following: “Things should (ought, must, have to) be different than they are!” “It’s awful (horrible, terrible, catastrophic) that     they aren’t!” “I can’t stand it (it’s too long, too much, too big, too … [Read more...]

Daring Greatly—The Vulnerable Performer

I recently watched Brené Brown’s 2012 TEDTalk called Listening to Shame.  I am one of 2,785,867 people who have viewed this video since.  I don’t know how many of those nearly three million viewers were performers so here I am passing this message on to you. Brown is a research professor who has spent the past ten years studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame.  She … [Read more...]

Focus & The Road to Success

We were on the road driving to our favorite vacation spot and it got me to thinking.  The two-lane roads were extremely curvy, winding, and steep.  It took my complete focus to drive safely.  When we were comfortably in our cabin I thought of our drive.  My thoughts drifted to my driver’s education instructor who taught me, an inexperienced driver, where to focus in order to stay within the … [Read more...]

Are You a Mentally Tough Performer? Pt. 3

In the previous posts, Are You a Mentally Tough Performer?  Pt. 1 and Are You a Mentally Tough Performer? Pt. 2, we have been looking at the skills, habits, and thought processes of successful performers. What makes these performers mentally "tough" enough to withstand the pressures of performing and seemingly, fly above? In Part 1, we discussed the "basic" skills or life skills of attitude, … [Read more...]

Self-Assess Your Performing Skills

Performers don't hesitate to assess their musical skills as they continue to train and practice to be an excellent player or singer.   It's just as important to periodically assess your mental skills in order to determine how prepared you are to move forward, to grow, and continue to evolve as an excellent and mentally strong performer.  These mental performing skills include commitment, … [Read more...]

Performers, Today is a Gift!

Yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery, and today's a GIFT—that's why we call it the PRESENT! You, no doubt, have heard this saying.  With the holiday approaching, I thought that this quote was particularly appropriate.   It certainly does not have to be a holiday for this saying to have significance for performers. How many times have you caught yourself worrying about performing … [Read more...]

Do You Worry or Care Too Much What Others Think?

Well?  Do you?  Do you find yourself worrying or caring too much about what others are thinking or saying about you? Worrying or caring too much what others think about you and your performing is one of the biggest challenges that performers report facing.  Anything that distracts you or causes you to doubt yourself, your skills, and your abilities as much as this kind of worry does, must be … [Read more...]

Powerful Questions to Ask about Your Performing

Have you had a problem performing well when you are under pressure at competitions or at auditions? Have you been so anxious before or even during a performance that it adversely affected your performing? Has your critical voice ever overpowered you with doubts and anxious thoughts?  Have you ever been so concerned with what others think about your performing that you felt unable to perform … [Read more...]

What’s Your Destiny? You Decide!

Have you ever felt stuck after a less than successful performance?  Why did this happen?  Again!  What about that audition that didn't go the way you expected?  We often focus on the fact that the performance didn't go well instead of focusing on what we can change to make a difference next time.  On the flip side, have you ever found it difficult to get up and going after a successful … [Read more...]