September, 2013 | Peak Performance for Musicians September, 2013 | Peak Performance for Musicians

Daring Greatly—The Vulnerable Performer

I recently watched Brené Brown’s 2012 TEDTalk called Listening to Shame.  I am one of 2,785,867 people who have viewed this video since.  I don’t know how many of those nearly three million viewers were performers so here I am passing this message on to you. Brown is a research professor who has spent the past ten years studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame.  She … [Read more...]

The Beauty of Performing—Commit To It!

People will be impressed if you play or sing well, but something far more important can happen when a performer combines impressive technique with emotional truth:  both the performer and the listener can be changed.  This is the beauty of performing. When did performing become about playing perfectly, playing to avoid mistakes, or about something we now fear rather than enjoy?  Musical … [Read more...]

Focus & The Road to Success

We were on the road driving to our favorite vacation spot and it got me to thinking.  The two-lane roads were extremely curvy, winding, and steep.  It took my complete focus to drive safely.  When we were comfortably in our cabin I thought of our drive.  My thoughts drifted to my driver’s education instructor who taught me, an inexperienced driver, where to focus in order to stay within the … [Read more...]

Fall Jumpstart for Performing Success

I love Fall (probably because I have always loved school!).   This is a little funny because I live in South Texas and we don’t have Fall.   We have two seasons—Summer and Off-Summer.  So, for me, Fall is not signified by the temperature dropping, by a cooling breeze, or by the leaves starting to change to a golden or amber hue.  Fall is officially on its way when school supplies hit the … [Read more...]